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June 10, 2019 | 5 min read
Rock Your Mid-Year Performance Review With This Checklist!

Now that June is here, you may be preparing for your annual mid-year performance review. While it can certainly feel nerve-racking to not know where you stand, don’t assume that there’s nothing you can do to calm your nerves! In fact, composing a performance review checklist beforehand can help ease your anxiety for the big day.

If you do prepare for your performance review in advance, you could put yourself in a position to advance within the company by the time your next review comes up. If you fail to do so, however, you could ultimately set yourself up for disappointment. In order to go into your mid-year performance review with little anxiety and a lot of confidence, start by using this checklist:

Reflect on your major accomplishments

While it may be difficult to remember what happened over the last six to twelve months, your biggest accomplishments will stand out.  Whether this means that you closed a big sale, or you took on a large project, you’ll know which of your achievements matter the most. Keep these big wins in mind as a reminder to your supervisor of everything you’ve helped the company accomplish this year. If you have data behind your big wins, be sure to present this to your supervisor during your review.

List your increased responsibilities

In addition to your biggest wins, be prepared to discuss any increased responsibilities you’ve taken on. For example, you could have started managing another employee, taken responsibility for more clients, or led a new initiative at the organization. With these responsibilities in mind, you can talk about how each one has helped you to grow and become a more valuable asset to the company. Additionally, highlighting an increased workload can give your supervisor a clearer picture of why you may deserve a promotion or a raise.

Consider your major weaknesses

While considering your major successes is an important part of your performance review, assessing your weaknesses as an employee is equally as important. It certainly won’t be easy, but analyzing your weaknesses ahead of time can help you address them during your review. In order to give yourself a fair assessment, think about some of the mistakes you’ve made throughout the year. This could include failing to communicate something properly to a coworker, missing a key detail on a project, or not using your time at work efficiently. Be prepared to discuss these mistakes during your review, as they might come up.

Make a plan to improve

Now that you’ve thought about your mistakes over the year, think about what you can do differently in order to grow. If you had a communication issue, you may want to take a class, or if you had a time management issue, you may want to block social media on your computer. When you present your supervisor with actionable items to help you improve your weaknesses, they’ll be impressed with your initiative.

Think about your career track

One area of performance review you’ll want to pay special attention to is the discussion about a raise and/or promotion. Before your review, consider where you’d like to be next year or in 5 years, as well as what steps you’ll want to take to get there. For example, if you’d like to move into a management role, gaining responsibility managing others on projects can be a key step to getting the right experience for that position. Additionally, be sure that you remain open to other possibilities, as your manager may have a different idea of where you fit into the organization in the long-term.

Do your research

As your role and responsibilities evolve over the course of your tenure at a company, it can be easy to forget how your value in the job market may also evolve. Even if you’re perfectly content with your position, it’s important to know just how marketable your skills and experience are. This can help you understand if you’re being compensated fairly, and perhaps if it’s worth exploring other options. If you feel that you’re not getting a fair deal at your current organization, you can bring up some of your research during your review to prove that you deserve more.

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