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April 21, 2021 | 5 min read
5 New Job Search Practices That Are Here To Stay

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many aspects of our daily lives, especially in regards to the way we work. In fact, the very act of job searching has changed. With many companies needing to go remote, hiring managers and HR professionals have had to adapt to virtual hiring and onboarding processes—changing the way they hire, the skills they look for, and how they interact with candidates. With the light at the end of the tunnel finally growing brighter, many people are looking forward to a return to “normalcy.” However, employers and employees have learned a lot over the past year. The pandemic has opened their eyes to a more efficient way of hiring and working, which ultimately means permanent changes to your job search practices.

Continue reading to learn how you can adapt your job search practices to today’s new hiring trends:

Preparing for virtual interviews

In order to address their hiring needs while staying safe, companies had to transition to a remote hiring process. While this was originally done out of necessity, employers have realized that video interviews have helped make the entire hiring process more efficient. As a result, you should be prepared for them beyond the pandemic. Read also: Change of Plans? How To Adapt To A Video Interview Process.

Networking online

After a year of quarantine, many professionals might be anxious to make in-person connections at larger networking events. However, this doesn’t mean that online networking events and virtual job fairs are going away for good. Companies have realized that online networking events and career fairs can help them connect with a larger pool of talent—especially as they offer more remote roles. If you’ve let networking take a backseat during the pandemic and are ready to give it more of a focus, don’t forget to include online networking as part of your new job search practices. Read also: How To Build Virtual Business Relationships.

Showcasing today’s in-demand skills

With remote work on the rise, employers are looking for professionals who can thrive in this type of work environment. This means it’s time to review your resume and the career stories you tell in interviews to ensure you are highlighting the right skills. For example, accountability, clear communication, time/task management, and comfort with technology are even more important in a remote or hybrid work capacity. Read also: 4 Skills That Will Help You Land A Remote Work Opportunity.

Searching for contract roles

While contract work was on the rise pre-pandemic, it is a trend that has continued to grow over the past year. Many companies who suffered financially during the pandemic utilized contract employees to help manage costs and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. However, job seekers have plenty to benefit from in contract roles as well! If you’re looking to make a career change or are unsure if a role is right for you, a contract role can be a great way to test the waters before making a longer-term commitment. Read also: Should You Consider Temporary Employment? 5 Questions To Ask.

Considering remote work

Remote work has quickly become the norm for many companies. While some companies will eventually return to the office, many others are exploring more permanent remote work options for their staff. Whether that means forgoing their office space completely or being open to hiring fully remote employees, expect to see many more postings for remote jobs. From increased flexibility to an expanded employer pool, there are many personal and professional benefits to remote work. You should at least explore if it’s right for you! Read also: How To Find A Remote Job That’s Right For You.

Interested in a new career opportunity? Check out our job openings on The Execu|Search Group’s website!

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