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July 24, 2019 | 5 min read
Four Signs It’s Time To Find A New Job

Are you stuck in a work rut and daydreaming of finding a new job? You aren’t alone. In fact, 66% of professionals are not planning to stay at their organization long-term. However, there’s a difference between a little restlessness in the workplace and red flags that your current job is no longer the right fit for you.

Unsure if you should stay at your current organization or bite the bullet and find a new job? Below are four clear signs that it’s time to find a new job opportunity:

You constantly dread Mondays

If you get the Sunday scaries on a continuous basis, it may be time to search for a new job. Keep in mind that the occasional post-weekend nerves can be normal from time to time. However, if you lay awake every night dreading work in the morning, you may need to analyze whether your job is the right fit for you. Take some time to reflect on why you have these anxieties and assess if a new job or career path may be the right option for you.

You’ve become a “no” person

Being a “no” person means you’ve become skeptical of new ideas and are stuck in a regiment of “this is how it’s always done.” Instead of going above and beyond, you’re only doing the bare minimum. If you think you are a “no” person at work, you’ll need to make changes to your work life. Not only are you hurting your own career by not pursuing new ideas and new skills, you could also be hurting your company if a new process or idea could help your organization against the competition. If this sounds like you, it’s either time to motivate yourself to do the work or find a new opportunity that gets you excited.

You’ve hit a plateau and are no longer challenged

You may not be a “no” person, but the opportunities to implement new projects may not be available to you in your current role. Before you start looking for a new job, however, ask for new projects and training to expand your role. If these opportunities are not available to you, it may be time to move on and find an organization that will allow you to grow.

The stress is no longer bearable

If you are constantly checking your emails outside of work or you’re consistently working late every night to stay afloat, you may need to analyze if the stress is worth it. Keep in mind that a certain amount of occasional stress can be normal at various points in the year. But if your anxiety is always at a constant high and your job is impacting your health, you’ll need to consider other opportunities that won’t exacerbate your stress level.

Decided it’s time to find a new job? Here’s what you can do

If you relate to any of the above signs and you’ve come to the decision it’s time to move on, you shouldn’t just quit your job on the spot. In many cases, you can strategically start looking for a new role before you have to quit your current job. A great way to do this is by working with a recruiter. Check out our job board to see if there’s a new role you’d be interested in!

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