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April 03, 2019 | 5 min read
8 Job Hunting Mistakes To Avoid During Your Search

If you’re thinking about looking for a new job anytime soon, you’ll want to ensure you have all the tools you need to maintain a successful job search. This means that, not only do you want to have a stellar resume and strong interview skills, but that you’re also aware of common job hunting mistakes many job seekers fall victim to. If you don’t, you run the risk of spending more time on your job search than you would have hoped.

Here are eight job hunting mistakes to avoid as you go through your next job search:

Starting your search without a defined strategy

At the beginning of your job search, you may be tempted to dive right in and submit as many applications as possible. However, this strategy (or lack thereof) can ultimately do more harm than good. In order lead a successful job search, you’ll want to put in some planning ahead of time. This includes knowing the type of company, roles, and responsibilities you want from your next opportunity.

Having errors on your resume

Your resume is the first impression you’ll make on a hiring manager, so one of the biggest job hunting mistakes you can make is having errors on your resume. If you want to be seen as a serious candidate for the job, you’ll want to ensure there are no grammatical errors or inconsistencies in your work history. For added insurance that your resume is foolproof, ask someone to serve as a second pair of eyes and go over your resume for you.

Not utilizing LinkedIn properly

With more than 575 million users, LinkedIn has become a critical tool for employers to research candidates and make decisions on who to invite in for an interview. Not only do you want to make sure your LinkedIn is up-to-date, but you also want to ensure you’re using this valuable tool to its fullest potential. In order to stand out to a potential employer, don’t treat LinkedIn like it’s solely an online version of your resume. Instead, use this valuable tool to expand on your work history, share relevant articles, and write recommendations for fellow colleagues.

Read Also: 5 LinkedIn Tips To Take Your Profile To The Next Level

Being unorganized

Applying to multiple jobs at once can be overwhelming and can result in you being disorganized. If you aren’t careful, you may find yourself in a situation where a hiring manager reaches out to you for an interview and you can’t remember the position! To avoid this, create a spreadsheet to help you keep track of the following:

  • Jobs applied to
  • Date applied to
  • Responses received
  • Interview dates

Not preparing for the interview

While you may not know the types of interviewers you’ll meet during the hiring process, there are still a number of common interview questions you can prepare for. By arming yourself with this knowledge, you can go into the interview with more confidence than you would have if you hadn’t prepared.

Not asking questions during the interview

In almost every interview, the interviewer is bound to ask “do you have any questions for me.” It’s important to remember that, even if you have great responses to the questions you’re asked, not having any of your own can be a major red flag. Bringing your own interview questions to the table will show the interviewer that you did your research beforehand and that you’re invested in the opportunity.

Not using your network

While it can be intimidating to reach out to people in your network about new job opportunities, failing to utilize your network is among the most critical job hunting mistakes you can make. During your search, you should send out your resume to people in your network to see if they can provide you with extra insight and guidance. Additionally, don’t forget to attend networking events, volunteer, or arrange meet-ups with likeminded professionals.

Forgetting to send thank-you notes

After the interview, it’s important to remember to send everyone involved with the process a thank you note. Taking this extra step shows the company that you’re grateful for the time they took out of their day to speak with you, which can ultimately make you stand out in their candidate pool!


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