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March 03, 2016 | 5 min read
3 Job Searching Myths Debunked

If you’ve ever searched for a new job opportunity, you have probably gotten plenty of advice regarding what the best strategies are for landing a job along the way. While it’s important to collect as many tips as you can, it’s also important to remember that not everything you hear is true.

During your search, it’s hard to take a step back and be patient with the application process, especially if your instincts and everything you have heard about applying for jobs tells you otherwise. If you aren’t sure whether or not you should follow a piece of advice, here are several job searching myths that aren’t necessarily true:

Myth: You have a better chance of getting a job if you apply immediately after the job posting goes up

A hiring manager can get dozens of resumes for one particular job posting, so it can be extremely tempting to send your resume, cover letter, and other relevant documents the second you see a job go up on the web. While you may think the hiring manager is only looking at the first few resumes they get, it’s actually quite the opposite; hiring managers usually have to discard the first few resumes they receive because the applicant failed to include important information or they didn’t take the time to tailor their CV to the particular role.

Instead of sending your resume out as quickly as possible, give yourself a day to research the company, tailor your resume and cover letter to the job description, and show the hiring manager that you did your homework before clicking the “Apply” button. The manager will most likely be using their respective applicant tracking system in order to search for candidates with the right skills or experience so the more effort you put into tactfully tailoring your resume to the role, the more likely you are to get a call.

Myth: All jobs are published online

If you go to a company’s job listings section, you might be discouraged by the lack of jobs that you feel you are a perfect match for. However, it is important to remember that while, yes, many of the company’s jobs are online, there are still some that they do not list.

Networking is one of the most important skills to have when searching for a new job opportunity, so don’t be shy about sending out emails or your resume to your network or a hiring manager in a targeted company. Leveraging your contacts to pursue the hidden job market demonstrates initiative at the very least, which can make you a candidate that a hiring manager might want to keep an eye on. If there isn’t an opportunity for you now, there could be one later on.

Myth: Searching online job sites isn’t worth the trouble

If you or a friend have ever used a job board, you may have a horror story or two about a less-than-ideal opportunity that presented itself during your search. And while you may have to put a little more effort into your research when it comes to job boards, know that it can be one of the most effective ways to score an interview at a company you would love to work for.

Thousands of companies, including industry leaders and recruiting firms, use job boards like Indeed and Monster in order to diversify their options when it comes to potential candidates. That’s why job boards are a great option for job seekers looking for a very specific type of role. They aggregate thousands of jobs, allowing you to place more emphasis on finding a match based on your skills and career goals. While it can take a more discerning eye to narrow down opportunities, job boards can be the most useful tool you use when taking the next step in your career.


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