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May 06, 2021 | 5 min read
10 Job Search Hacks To Save Time And Energy

Embarking on a job search can be grueling; and with each passing application and rejection, you may feel like job searching has taken over your entire life! While the process can be frustrating, know that you don’t have to give up all your time to scrolling through job boards. Check out these ten job search hacks below to streamline your application process:

Create a spreadsheet for your applications

This may sound like more work at first, but once you’ve submitted several applications, you’ll be glad you logged all of your progress. When creating this document, you can include job title, company name, a link to the job posting, and any other relevant information!

If a recruiter calls you out of the blue, for example, you can quickly pull up details on the job and the company from your sheet. Or, perhaps you see a new job posting for a position you’ve already applied forone quick check can save you some time and avoid re-applying to a role.

Quickly tailor your resume

While tailoring your resume sounds like it will take a lot of time, some quick edits can be more than enough. In the job description, pick out key skills the role requires and any previous experience you may want to highlight. Simply rearranging your skills and bullet points under a position can help you highlight relevant experience quickly.

Read Also: 5 Resume Tips & Tricks To Get You Hired

Have a strong cover letter template

While tailoring a cover letter requires more thought than rearranging bullet points on your resume, you can start with a template that is easily adjustable. This could include one paragraph where you discuss your valuable experience and results, which could largely remain unchanged. Then, perhaps you only need to adjust one paragraph where you talk more specifically about the role at hand and why you feel you’re a good fit.

Read Also: The Cover Letter Template You Can Use For Any Role

Set some goals for yourself

A common question you’ll be asked throughout your job search will be, “What are you looking for in your next role?” As you dive into your job search, start by answering this question for yourself. This could include what you are looking for in terms of your job requirements, the company culture, or your direct supervisor. Knowing this early on will not only help you when this question is asked in an interview, but it will help you determine exactly which jobs are worth applying to. 

Change your LinkedIn job seeking preferences

LinkedIn is an incredibly valuable tool in a job search, and you are likely not utilizing it to its full potential. When you’re searching for a new job, start by heading to your profile. You’ll see in the top section that you can edit your job preferences and let recruiters know that you’re open to new opportunities. By including job titles, locations, and types of roles, recruiters will find your profile when they have relevant open positions. 

Set up job alerts

Another simple setup to be alerted to more job openings is setting up alerts on job boards. This could be LinkedIn job alerts, or other job boards, like Indeed. This allows you to get jobs matching a similar title, location and pay straight to your inbox. 

Post on LinkedIn

Never underestimate the value of your LinkedIn connections! By simply posting industry-related news or discussions on LinkedIn (either in your status or in LinkedIn groups), you may just get the attention of someone you may not have expected. 

Read also: 5 LinkedIn Tips To Take Your Profile To The Next Level 

Partner with a recruiter

You may notice that many of these job search hacks are actually taking the “search” out for youand no tool is better for that than partnering with a recruiter. When you work with a recruiter, you’ll have someone who understands your background and experience, peeling their eyes for opportunities that match your career goals. Not only will you have more job opportunities being sent directly to you, but these roles will likely be a more qualified match than job alert emails.

Have a go-to interview outfit at the ready

Once you get that interview, don’t waste any time! Always ensure that you have an interview outfit at the ready that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Don’t wait to wash your outfit eitherhave it clean and ready so you can use valuable preparation time on practicing interview answers and looking up the company’s history instead of focusing on your clothing.

Always ask questions

Once you’ve nailed an interview, don’t leave without asking questions. Remember: an interview is a two-way street, and it’s important that you evaluate if this company is the right fit for you as well. 

Read Also: [Infographic] 15 Questions To Help You Stand Out In An Interview

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