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July 16, 2020 | 5 min read
4 (Subtle) Interview Mistakes That Are Sabotaging Your Job Search

You’ve landed the interview, but now the real work begins! While you may be thinking about all the ways you need to get ready, it’s important to consider the things you shouldn’t do. Of course, some job interview mistakes, like not asking the right questions or bashing past employers, may seem obvious. But even the most prepared and polished candidates can make mistakes without realizing it. Here are a few different ways you could subtly be sabotaging your chances of landing the job: 

Winging it

 When it comes to interview prep, many people can successfully cross these simple steps off their list: company research, reading the interview instructions, picking out the right outfit, etc. Full of confidence, few go into the interview with a deeper level of preparation. However, winging it is not an effective interview strategy.

Taking the time to practice and prepare your answers to common (and difficult) questions can help lay the foundation for making a strong impression. If you are participating in a video interview, the proper prep is even more important! Wing it, and you risk technical glitches and distracting background noises.

Negative body language

Negative body language is one of the most subtle job interview mistakes you could be making. Silent signals such as a lack of eye contact, fidgeting, and slumping can inadvertently make you come across as nervous or disengaged. On the other hand, furrowed brows, too firm of a handshake, and crossing your arms might imply you are overly confident or unapproachable. Infographic: Common Nonverbal Mistakes People Make During Job Interviews

Forgetting why you applied to the role

If you are itching to make a change or hustling to find a job, it’s easy to forget about what specific roles and companies you applied to. When an interview comes as a surprise, it’s important to re-familiarize yourself with these details to ensure you understand how you are qualified for the role and why you were interested in the first place. Without this insight, the interview may not end well for you. Avoid making major job interview mistakes like this by staying organized throughout the application process. Read also: Job Searching? 4 Steps To Take Before Diving In

Rehashing the skills on your resume without telling a story

All too often, exceptional candidates risk missing out on opportunities because they don’t use their interview time wisely. Instead of leaving a lasting impression by clearly articulating what about their background specifically makes them the best candidate, they rehash the skills and experience already listed on their resume. Painting a picture with a story can help you avoid this job interview mistake in a number of ways: it gives the interviewer insight into your career and work ethic; provides you an opportunity to show confidence, communication skills, and creativity; and demonstrates your ability to prioritize and get to the point. Read also: Tell A Story, Land The Job!

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