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January 23, 2019 | 5 min read
Tech Employers Are Looking For Culture Fit—Here’s How You Can Stand Out

In today’s job market, tech employers are hiring candidates based on their fit within the company’s culture. “This competitive market means that employers aren’t finding the candidates who check off all their requirements,” says Nadia Brika, a Director within ES Technology, a division of The Execu|Search Group. “As a result, they’re prioritizing candidates who demonstrate that they’re a good cultural fit for the organization.”

For tech professionals who can show how they fit within a company’s culture, there are great opportunities available. Because employers are looking for personality traits over experience, they’re very open to training new hires instead. “With this shift, this means that there is a wealth of professional development opportunities for the right candidate,” explains Nadia. “Plus, when employers consider the importance of cultural fit, it is certainly more likely that you’ll enjoy your experience working there.”

To prove that you are a cultural fit for an organization, Nadia recommends taking these steps during the hiring process:

Highlight your soft skills

When looking for culture fit, it really means that employers are looking for “soft skills” like communication, teamwork, and problem solving. To show that you possess these skills, Nadia suggests highlighting your strengths both on your resume and throughout the interview process. “When you can give an example of your critical thinking skills in action and how you succeeded as a result, you’ll prove that you can be an asset in any situation,” she says.

Show your passion for your work

Technology is a field that is ripe with innovation, and professionals in that field care deeply about what they do. As a result, it’s important that you are able to communicate why you love what you do to a potential employer. “When employers can see your passion for your work, they know that it will translate to initiative and drive on the job as well,” says Nadia.

Additionally, this can be communicated through your actions. By attending industry events, seminars and conferences, employers will be impressed by your initiative to take your learning into your own hands. Plus, be sure that you showcase any side projects that can give employers a window into your work. “Through platforms like github, companies can not only see your passion for your craft, but they can also easily evaluate your skill level and fit for the role,” explains Nadia. “It is a nice and easy way to extend the picture of the candidate.”

Don’t be afraid to show your personality

While job interviews by definition are a serious matter, remember that employers want to know more about you and your personality during the interview process. “Without taking away from your experience and knowledge as a professional, don’t be afraid to talk about things outside of work, like hobbies, books, independent projects, desire to pursue certain certifications/studies etc.,” says Nadia. “This helps the interviewer understand more about who you are.”

Ask about training and professional development

Because employers are more open to investing in training for new hires, be sure that you ask about their plans to do so during the interview process. “There are plenty of companies who would be open to offering more training opportunities to the right candidate,” explains Nadia. “The interview process is a great time to learn about what those opportunities might entail and ensure that it aligns with your career goals.”

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