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July 31, 2018 | 5 min read
3 Reasons You Still Need To Send A Thank You Note

The art of a handwritten thank you note has lost its appeal in recent years for job seekers and employers alike.  As hiring processes continue to hasten, job seekers can no longer wait for a tangible card to be delivered by mail.  While it can still be a charming addition, the new “traditional” thank you note has become an email.

Despite this fact, many job seekers have neglected the thank you note altogether—unsure of its importance in today’s fast-paced digital world.  According to icims, only a quarter of entry-level job seekers even bothered to send a thank you note after a job interview in 2017. Despite its brevity, sending the note is a critical stage in the interview process that shouldn’t be overlooked.  When it’s down to the wire, this small gesture could mean the difference between receiving an offer and a rejection.  Here’s why it’s worth your time:

Timing is everything

The hours after the interview are the time when hiring decision makers will be choosing which candidates stood out to them.  As a result, a well-written thank you note could be the deciding factor between top applicants in a close competition.  If you disregard sending a thank you note when other candidates did take that additional step, you’ll risk being disqualified.  As you anxiously await the final decision, you may rest easier having sent a thank you note, as you have done everything in your power to convince the employer that you’re the most qualified applicant.

The gesture alone can say a lot

The simple fact that you took the time to send a thank you note says a great deal about who you are as a person and potential employee.  Firstly, this act shows that you are considerate of the time and effort that the hiring manager put into meeting with you, which can translate into your respect for other potential coworkers.  Additionally, thanking your potential employer can display positive qualities that are highly valued in an employee.  For example, your ability to follow through until the final step of the interview process shows that you’re engaged, enthusiastic, and committed.  These qualities can be hard to decipher in an interview, making the thank you note (or lack thereof) a telling sign of a candidate’s personality.

What you write can say even more

It’s not just the act of sending a thank you note that’s important; what you write can speak volumes as well. You may leave the interview feeling like you missed an opportunity to explain something in more detail or accurately express passion for your work, so this note is the perfect time to address any lasting concerns.  By reiterating your interest in the role and unique qualifications, you can make one final pitch before the decision is made.  Plus, you can cite details from your earlier conversation by resolving an unanswered question or expanding on a topic you didn’t have time to cover.  When you pair your knowledge and insight with heartfelt gratitude, you can accurately communicate your excitement for the position and leave a memorable impression.

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