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Why Every Finance Professional Needs A Good LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn has not only become one of the top sources for professionals looking for jobs and networking opportunities, but an important tool for employers trying to identify talent. While employers can utilize this site to learn more about a prospective hire or proactively source new candidates, professionals can leverage its features to connect with companies, establish themselves as thought leaders, and stay in touch with their network. However, a lot of financial services professionals underutilize this powerful social media platform.

Having a good LinkedIn profile is just as important as your resume is when job searching, however, many finance professionals don’t realize that LinkedIn can be more than just a simple tool for your job search. It can also help you establish your credibility as an expert in your specialty area.

Here are five ways to create a good LinkedIn profile and utilize this platform to its fullest potential:

Investing the time to address the following three areas in your LinkedIn profile and other social media accounts can make the difference between being overlooked for a position and being sought after for your unique skillset.

Use a professional picture and accurate summary

Believe it or not, your profile picture can mean the difference between a good LinkedIn profile and a bad one. If you want to be seen as a legitimate professional in today’s job market, not having a photo on your profile may be an instant deal breaker for companies interested in your skillset. While you don’t need to take a professional head shot, a professional picture with a simple background is key to making a positive first impression.

In addition to your profile picture, your professional ‘Summary’ is also one of the first things an employer will look out for. As a result, you’ll want to include an accurate summary of your career goals or past accomplishments to help companies get a better idea of who you are as a financial professional. For example, if you were interested in learning more about a specific product or system in your sector of the Financial Services industry, you should emphasize this point in your professional summary. The more information a prospective employer can take away from your profile, the easier it will be for them to determine if you are a good fit for their organization.

Include a detailed professional background

If you are serious about landing a new job, listing specific financial services skills you possess is one of the best ways for a recruiter or hiring manager to find your profile on LinkedIn. Hiring managers are most interested in where you’ve worked, the school(s) you’ve attended, and the specific product knowledge you have. As a result, you should highlight any product knowledge (e.g., fixed income, derivatives, etc.) or systems skills (e.g., Advanced Excel, etc.) you are proficient in. Similarly, using the right buzzwords in your job responsibilities as they relate to the type of role you’re interested in will increase the odds of your profile getting noticed.

Publish original content

If you have any insight on finance trends, LinkedIn is a great place to establish yourself as a thought leader. Regularly sharing your thoughts on this platform can help you not only get you more involved in the community, but also boost your visibility on the site.

Engage with others

You need to be an active member of the community if you want to leverage all the benefits of a good LinkedIn profile. To engage with other LinkedIn users, join groups, like and comment on posts, follow industry leaders, and participate in discussions. By increasing your activity, you will increase traffic to your personal page and become more visible on the main home feed.